Have a more efficient and effective fundraise, by:

Connecting and building relationships with 100+ investors.

Building your founder brand to show your domain expertise.

Telling your story that makes investors want to invest.

Construct your fundraising playbook to get more term sheets.

Sana Al-Badri

Co-founder, Sage Fund

Gian's advice has been extremely useful and not the kind of advice you can simply find googling around. He shares inside tips that founders and even VCs themselves are unaware of. Knowing more of the psychology behind fundraising has made a big difference for us getting funding for our fundraise. This allowed us to raise €500k.

Will Gibbs

Partner, Octopus Ventures

Gian has a fantastic ability to spot unusually talented entrepreneurs and has the rare position of having been on both sides of the pitch! I worked with Gian looking at thousands of opportunities and many of the key principles in the course reflect how the venture capital world operates and the questions an investor is thinking, but wouldn't say!

Vishal Amin

Co-founder, Until

Gian knows his stuff! Despite having fundraised multiple times before for my own businesses and supporting others - what I have learnt has been a game changer. His hands-on experience has given me invaluable insight, not only into the mindset of an investor and the process, but critically the importance of discipline and structure.

The BIG secret.

Over the last decade, I’ve learnt a lot about what it takes to fundraise for startups and invest well as a VC.

During this time I have been searching to find the secret sauce to making fundraising more successful for you.

And you know what? There's no secret. 

It’s just a matter of working on 3 pillars:

1. Proper preparation + processes

Prepare and build the processes to launch and complete a fundraise.

2. A mapped out + functioning network

Building a network of 100+ investors who trust you, with a mapped out network.

3. Investor psychology-led narratives

Create a clear and concise narrative that influences investors to invest into you.

That’s all it takes.
I personally guarantee that if you follow this 3-part formula, your life as a fundraising founder will change in ways you can’t imagine.

The real "secret", if there's any at all, is that you need to build a system around your fundraise to make sure you do the proper work.

A system means that you can efficiently build the right relationships and show those people why you are the type of founder they should invest into.

All the while keeping accountability of you doing the boring but important stuff.

Instead of thinking of your fundraise as a day-by-day process, you want to think about it like a machine.

A well-oiled machine that does all the right stuff consistently.

That over time and after your launch allows you to make investors trust you are a founder they should invest into.

Without having to:

  • Figure it out on your own.
  • Learn through trial and error.
  • Make costly mistakes in the process.

 I’ve built such a system for fundraising founders, and I can help you build yours. These founders have gone on to raise $150,000,000 in venture funding.

But as with all things: getting started, maintaining consistency and keeping accountability is easier said than done.

You can work with me 1-to-1 to keep accountability whilst giving you the right insights, systems and playbooks to fundraise for your start-up.

Book a discovery call with me
My cohort-based course